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Sunflower Quiltingwww.sunflowerquilting.com.au

Canberra, 2617

Ph. 02 6259 6045
Mobile: 0416 462 615
email: raylee@sunflowerquilting.com.au

Contact: Raylee Bielenberg

Kings Barber Shop 

149 Palmerin St
Warwick, 4370

Ph. 07 4667 1102

Ryanie For Tyreswww.ryaniefortyres.com.au

37 Victoria St
Warwick, 4370

Ph. 07 4661 1819

Contact: Brendan Ryan
GPS: -28.210230, 152.036927
Ray Whitewww.raywhiteruralwarwick.com.au

PO Box 1349
Warwick, 4370

Ph. 07 4661 7200
Mobile: +61 458 225 222
email: peter.lane@raywhiteruralwarwick.com.au

Contact: Peter Lane
GPS: -28.214338, 152.033181
KRH Onsite Mechanical 

85 McEvoy St
Warwick, 4370

Ph. 4667 1647
Mobile: 0429 678 939
email: krhonsitemechanical@hotmail.com

Contact: Ross Hemmings

Everyman's Welfare Service 

36 Flynn Drive
Warwick, 4370

Ph. +61 7 4661 2898
Mobile: +61 417 740 282
email: tunnelrat66@bigpond.com

Contact: Barry Kelly

Wendys Pet Grooming 

187 Old Ipswich Rd
Riverview, 4303

Ph. 07 3282 3663
Mobile: 0401 253 059

Contact: Wendy Boorman

Lilly Spanner and Staceywww.lilleys.com.au

Webb House - 75 Percy St.
Warwick, 4370

Ph. 07 4661 2355
email: ian@lilleys.com.au

Contact: Ian Stacey
GPS: -28.218627, 152.033591

161 Freestone Rd.
Warwick, 4370

Ph. +61 7 4661 5222
Mobile: 0421 045 100
email: info@wheretiz.com

Contact: John & Kath Robertson
GPS: -28.196446, 152.057081
Baringa Nursery 

674 Killarney Rd
Warwick, 4370

Ph. +61 7 4667 1700
Mobile: +61 414 881 395

Contact: Cathy Ryan


149 Palmerin St
Warwick, 4370

Ph. 4667 0827

Peter Boormans Workshop 

187 Old Ipswich Rd
Riverview, 4303

Ph. 07 3282 3663
Mobile: 0408 328 234
email: peter.boorman@three.com.au

Contact: Peter Boorman

Glenrose Patchworkwww.glenrosepatchwork.com

138 Ogilvie Rd
Warwick, 4370

email: glenrose.warwick@gmail.com

Contact: Glenis Pugliese
GPS: -28.19452, 152.03829
Tru-Bilt Toolshttp://www.visrealproductions.com

PO Box 1234
YABBA, 1234

Contact: AceTutor

Peter Esdailewww.equine-energy.com

Warwick, 4370

Ph. +61 7 4667 0212
Mobile: 0428 210 911
email: pete.esdaile@equine-energy.com

Contact: Peter Esdaile
GPS: -28.20108, 152.04873
Canning Town Patchworkwww.canningtownpatchwork.com.au

123 Palmerin St
Warwick, 4370

Ph. 07 4661 2398
email: leah@canningtownpatchwork.com.au

Contact: Leah Paech
GPS: -28.216713, 152.032354

PO Box 252
Warwick, 4370

Ph. +61 7 4667 1351

Contact: Alwyn & Barbara Cutmore

Shelly's Curtain & Craftwww.shellyscurtainsandcraft.com

102 Grafton St
Warwick, 4370

Ph. 07 4661 5161
email: admin@shellyscurtainandcraft.com

Contact: Shelly


149 Palmerin St
Warwick, 4370

Ph. 07 4667 1102

Visreal Productionswww.visrealproductions.com

PO Box 235
Ruakaka, 4370

Ph. +64 21 430 166
Mobile: 021 430 166
email: livingman.nz@gmail.com

Contact: John Robertson
GPS: -28.196446, 152.057081


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